Martin Josef Nittmann
Discgolf4you – Ing. Martin Josef Nittmann
Lore-Kutschera-Weg 23/1
1120 Vienna
Phone: +436605070703
VAT number: ATU74539001
Platform of the EU Commission for online dispute resolution:
We are not obliged to participate in a dispute resolution procedure before a consumer arbitration board, but are prepared to do so.
Membership of the Chamber of Commerce organisation: Wirtschatfskammer Wien,
Free trade: mail order, internet and general trade
Professional law: Trade regulations:
Authority according to ECG (E-Commerce Act): Magistratisches Bezirksamt des XII. Bezirkes
Object of the company: Mail order business
Editorial policy: Presentation and sale of disc golf goods and services
Version: 08.01.2024, 15:15:23 h