We are very happy to introduce our Team Discgolf4you for 2023. First of all, we are proud to announce that the team for 2023 has been enlarged significantly.
Niklas Schaffer #138699
Niklas was already part of our team in 2022.
After a victory in the first tournament, the young man from Graz did not have an easy summer, but still finished the year with two victories.
The DGCG member could improve his 2022 rating from 945 to 969 by 24 points!
Niklas was able to finish the year with a total of three victories. Probably his biggest success was at the DGCG Club Championships 2022 where he played two 4-digit rounds, one with a rating of 1061.
In 2023 he will take over the task of team captain. Here he will represent the team together with Elisabeth in the front row. The two are thus also contact persons, both within the team and for other people.
Niklas is also part of the Austrian national team.
You can follow Niklas on Instagram.

Elisabeth Daffert #137662

This happy Viennese is also giving us the honor for the 2nd year.
She started 2023 with many strong tournaments, then was injured and then towards the end of the year again increased training and participating in tournaments.
The Vienna Hurricanes member improved her rating by 12 points from 815 to 827 in 2022.
If you want to summarize Elisabeth’s year, you can say she was always consistently good, but one was always better. So seven 2nd places and one 3rd place were reflected in her PDGA record. Thus she was always on the podium in the FPO tournaments and is the reigning austrian vice state champion and winner of the Austrotour.
At the Vienna Doubles Championships she could win together with Stefan Strutzenberger the 2nd place including her first ace.
Together with Niklas she will take over the tasks of the team management of Discgolf4you in 2023.
Elisabeth is also part of the Austrian national team.
You can follow Elisabeth on Instagram.
After the team leaders, we continue with the youth players!
Nele Boden #237318
Nele is a motivated member of the N8Fiwa Discgonauts from Finsterwalde. Although she hasn’t been playing disc golf for that long, she is still doing very well and wants to keep improving.
We were particularly impressed that she is very involved in the club and is always on hand when her other commitments allow.
In 2023, the student will gain her first tournament experience. We are especially happy to be able to accompany Nele in her development.

Nikolai Heel #99895

The 12-year-old Tyrolean has been playing disc golf for a long time. In 2021 he played his first tournament. in 2022 Nikolai was able to secure his first PDGA victory – and if you thought about it – no, he didn’t just win the MJ18 division, he won the entire tournament with a fantastic second round 995.
I guess it’s especially funny since our youngest member on the team holds the lowest and even the only 5-digit PDGA number.
We are very excited to be able to follow Nikolai’s development!
After our youth players come our adult players by ascending PDGA number.
Sascha Derp #138122
The young Viennese impresses with his fine technique and mental strength during the game. Knowing his background as a successful ball-golf player, one is not particularly surprised.
Sascha is also known for his love of Discraft.
He is a member of the Vienna Hurricanes and together with Sonja Heinz reigning Vienna Doubles State Champion.
In 2022 Sascha could improve his rating from 925 to 934.
Sascha will represent our team all over Austria, but also internationally and will support his team members especially with mental training.
You can follow Sascha on Instagram.

Jakob Ettlinger #153813

The young Tyrolean hasn’t been playing disc golf that long, but already caught our eye at the Austrian National Championships in 2021, when he solidly earned 8th place as a rather unknown player.
in 2023 he showed up again especially with two 2nd places and a long lead at the Petzen Open.
The member of the Scheiben WG from Innsbruck was able to improve his rating by 25 points from 944 to 969 in 2022.
Jakob will represent the team together with Nikolai in the Tyrolean region.
You can follow Jakob on Instagram.
Ivan Ilin #180724
The Potsdam native caught our eye at the Sängerstadt Open in Finsterwalde, as he is very determined and focused in trying to advance both his game, but more importantly, the sport as a whole.
The member of the Hyzernauts Potsdam was able to achieve top 10 places again and again in 2022 and is particularly strong within Germany.
Ivan is actively involved in organizing various disc golf events and will represent Team Discgolf4you together with Nele especially in Germany.
You can follow Ivan on Instagram.

You can follow Team Discgolf4you on Instagram.
If you are interested in Team Discgolf4you from 2022, you can find the information here.