The Axiom Envy is a overstable Putter disc.
It has been assigned a Speed of 3, a Glide of 3, a Turn of 0 and a Fade of 2 by the manufacturer (Axiom)
We have the Axiom Envy in Eclipse, Electron, Electron Firm, Electron Soft, Fission and Neutron plastic in stock.
Also note the additional information about the plastic and the manufacturer in the additional information tab.
Nutzer-55667 (via SHOPVOTE) (verified owner) –
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Nutzer-67407 (via SHOPVOTE) (verified owner) –
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Nutzer-55566 (via SHOPVOTE) (verified owner) –
Etwas overstabler als erwartet aber ich muss sie ja noch weiter einspielen.